Time period

2020 – 2022

Development of responsible and sustainable transnational tourism products in the environment of the five-country UNESCO Biosphere Park Mura-Drava-Danube
Project partner
INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
Based on the experiences with the transnational INTERREG project “Amazon of Europe Bike Trail”, the follow-up project “Amazing Amazon” was developed under the leadership of the proven lead partner ISKRIVA, submitted to the “INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme” and also approved. Again, the Trail Angels are the professional work package leader and contribute their central competences in product development, organizational development and quality management. In contrast to the “Amazon of Europe Bike Trail”, the product development is designed more openly and can also include location products in addition to line products (e.g. a long-distance hiking trail).
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)
On the route of the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail, cultural additional offers will also be developed in the future
The Steering Committee of the INTERREG project “Amazon of Europe Bike Trail” is in the starting blocks of the follow-up project “Amazing Amazon”
Other projects
Alpe-Adria-Trail Etappenstart
Amazon of Europe Bike Trail
Bernstein Trail Landschaft
Trans Nationalpark


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