Transnational long-distance cycle path for the sustainable tourism valorisation of the world’s first UNESCO five-country biosphere reserve.


14 partners from five countries (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia), including ISKRIVA (lead partner) and WWF Austria


INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme


+ INTERREG Work Package Leader & Official Project Partner
+ Product Development
+ Online Bookability
+ Design Business Model
+ Establishment of transnational Trail Info & Booking Center
+ Amazon of Europe Academy (e.g. Training Booking Center & Partner Businesses)
+ Marketing


2017 – 2021 incl. preparation phase

Management by licensed booking center since 2022


“Cycling for Nature” – The Amazon of Europe Bike Trail is a transnational long-distance bike trail that makes it possible to experience the world’s first UNESCO five-country biosphere park along the Mura, Drava and Danube rivers in a nature-friendly way on two routes. The Amazon of Europe Bike Trail is intended to enhance this unique protected area through sustainable tourism
and also to open up economic prospects for the structurally weak border regions along these rivers. This extraordinary long-distance bike trail project connects 15 project partners from the five countries Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia within the framework of the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme (DTP). On the initiative of the Trail Angels, who as official project partner have assumed responsibility in this project from the very beginning, the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail was set up as a sustainable, transnational business model beyond the construction of the bike routes. In addition to product development, this also includes the establishment and training of a transnational information and booking centre in the region and the integration of a nature conservation programme by the project partner WWF.
We, the Trail Angels, have decided to take responsibility for this INTERREG project (Danube Transnational Programme) as an official project partner and Work Package Leader. Also in order to contribute our expertise to the design of a long-term and sustainable business model, in addition to a product development for individual, international bike travellers. Thus, in the region and in close coordination with our partners, our own official Amazon of Europe Bike Trail Booking Centre was set up. Under our management with the Amazon of Europe Academy, its employees and involved regional service providers, were prepared for future booking management. This has created the conditions for the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail to be managed independently, sustainably and professionally in the long term and to trigger a noticeable impulse in the regions.


+   Current blog


+   „Making of“ Amazon of Europe Bike Trail

Official Trail Website
The Amazon of Europe Bike Trail is supported by the funds of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (project code DTP2-002-2.2).
Other projects
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