Time period

2018 – 2019

Managed by the Trail Angels Info & Booking Center since 2020

Development of a bookable leading product for long-distance hiking in Burgenland
Projekt partner

Burgenland Tourismus GmbH

The tourism board of Burgenland, Burgenland Tourismus GmbH, has entrusted Trail Angels with the development of a hiking product as a long-distance hiking trail. The goal of the project is both to position Burgenland as a hiking destination and to be able to introduce a bookable leading product on the market. The project included the following modules: Development of the storyboard and a branding; exact route planning incl. coordination and declaration of approval of the landowners and trail owners; a signposting concept ready for implementation; product development and integration up to the status “Ready for Booking” for an individually bookable and serviced long-distance hiking trail incl. dynamic packaging; development of an efficient partner network (accommodation providers, mobility service providers, etc.) incl. contracting on site and the establishment of a Trail Info and Booking Center in the premises of Trail Angels in Obervellach. To be able to work through this large work package, the client (Burgenland Tourism) & contractor (Trail Angels) were supported in an outstanding manner by all involved tourism boards during workshops. This also applies to those responsible in Hungary, since the Bernstein Trail also leads across Hungarian territory on several stages.



An unforgettable hiking trip begins with the first step: the Roman Pagan Gate in Carnuntum represents the impressive starting point of the Bernstein Trail
The new Bernstein Trail: Pleasure Hiking between Alps and Puszta
A natural jewel, awarded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site: The “Lange Lacke” is one of the highlights on the new Bernstein Trail
Unique flair at Lake Neusiedl
On old tracks to new treasures: In some places, the Roman Amber Road can still be admired today
Beyond the wilderness: The new Bernstein Trail in Burgenland delights with its route in the midst of a harmonious cultural landscape that has been cultivated by man for centuries. Vineyards near Eisenberg
Close to life: The new Bernstein Trail opens up inspiring encounters with the people of Burgenland, like here at a wine tasting on the Tschaterberg.
The name says it all: the nature park Weinidylle; here with the famous cellar district of Heiligenbrunn
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