Golden autumn for hiking

Golden autumn for hiking

Your preview of autumn: Everyday life stressful? The weather foggy? And the autumn melancholy dampens your mood? Then it’s high time for some “light therapy” on the long-distance trails of the Trail Angels!

Hiking in Carinthia: Unique Trails between mountains and lakes

Hiking in Carinthia: Unique Trails between mountains and lakes

The southern flair also radiates a little on the character of the people. Carinthians are said to have a cheerful, open character, which is expressed in the following saying about the musical population: “Where three Carinthians come together, there is already a choir!”

Hiking with your dog on the Alpe-Adria-Trail

Hiking with your dog on the Alpe-Adria-Trail

Why you don’t have to miss out on the company of your four-legged friend despite the current wild discussions about the “cow court judgement” on the Alpe-Adria Trail!

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